I’m swimming like a fish in the water

I’m flying like a bird through the sky

I’m swinging on a vine like a monkey

Me oh me oh my

I’m roaring like a lion in the jungle

I slither like a snake through the grass

I gallop through the field like a horsie

Me oh me oh my

Because it’s fun to pretend to be an animal

And do all of the things that animal does

Yes it’s fun to pretend to be an Animal

And all your friends can pretend to be a different one

I’m running like a cheetah in the savannah

I’m barking like a dog that just wont stop

I’m playing in the sea like a dolphins

Me oh me oh my

I’m soaring like an eagle through the clouds

I’m stealthy like a cat on the prowl

I’m leaping like a lizard from the branches

Me oh me oh my